Friday, February 28, 2014


apply massage oil to your lover's back while giving a good massage.
bring a single red rose to trace down your partner's body on your next sensual encounter.
cuddle often.
dance seductively under the moonlight.
engage in a loving embrace.
flirt with each other across a filled room.
grab your love anytime, anywhere.
have a bubble bath ready when your lover comes home.
ignite each other's flame by constantly cuddling, embracing and loving.
joke with each other often.
kill time by hugging, whenever you can.
lust as well as love each other.
make love anytime.
nudity can be fun, especially while swimming!
open up to each other and play truth or dare.
play, play, play!
quietly sneak up on your partner and attack them sexually.romance your lover.
surprise your lover with a sensual gift!
take your time during foreplay.
understand that each of you are different and enjoy different things.
venture into unknown territory by reading up on a new lovemaking technique then practice it tonight!
wash each other in the shower.
xpress yourself freely in the moment of passion.
yearn to caress your lover.
zealous lovers are never lonely!

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